Products Made in Bytča make a great name for Scheidt & Bachmann´s brand

    In addition to software development, we at Scheidt & Bachmann also manufacture our own hardware and equipment for systems that make transportation easier for people worldwide. These products are high-quality devices that are manufactured by combining German know-how and Slovak craftsmanship. It's a great combination that has been working reliably for several decades. However, we are constantly improving our processes and looking for solutions to make the work of our employees easier and more efficient in order for them to enjoy it and find it fulfilling. We work as one team and know that we can always rely on each other.

    We aim to reduce our impact on the environment as much as possible at our production. That's why we have been manufacturing in a modern, environmentally friendly plant since 2020. We also reduce our carbon footprint by manufacturing many of our components ourselves and even recycling some components.


    Latest news

    We are building a new IT centre

    Created by Katarína Labudová | - Corporate

    Since our production moved from our headquarters on Priemyselná Street in Žilina to Bytča, our production facilities have been empty. However, this...

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    International teambuilding of Parking Solutions

    Created by Katarína Labudová & Jaroslav Mitterpach | - Parking-Solutions

    The software division of Parking Solutions (PS) organised an international teambuilding event on 14th – 15th September 2022. There were colleagues...

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    An unconventional gift to employees with a strong message

    Created by Katarina Labudova | - Corporate

    This year Scheidt & Bachmann is celebrating 150 years since it was founded. However, it would not be here today without its loyal and skilful...

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    A new practical helper in the warehouse

    Created by Katarina Labudova | - Corporate

    The logistics division in Bytča successfully implemented a project between September 2021 and March 2022 that increased the warehouse space with...

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    We are breaking records with eco-mobility. We are one of the Slovak leaders!

    Created by Katarína Labudová | - Corporate

    This year our company Scheidt & Bachmann Slovakia has again joined the largest teambuilding and ecological event in Slovakia – the campaign "Bike to...

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    Almost 22 million steps a month? No problem in Scheidt & Bachmann!

    Created by Katarína Labudová | - Corporate

    It is said that May is the month of love! We at Scheidt & Bachmann celebrated the love by the love of movement. And we started with the most natural...

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    How we celebrated our 150th anniversary

    Created by Katarina Labudova | - Corporate

    Scheidt & Bachmann celebrates its 150th birthday in 2022. A spectacular celebration was held at all its branches around the world on the same day and...

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    We stand together – we are one family!

    Created by Katarina Labudova & Nathalie Gobbel | - Corporate

    The war in Ukraine has deeply affected all of us. But most of all the Ukrainians themselves. More than 11 million of them have already become refugees...

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    Last Empty Workplace Filled

    Created by Katarína Labudová | - Corporate

    The production hall in Bytča reports full capacity. Even the last free workplaces have been occupied. Along with the autumn, the Parking Solutions...

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    IT Employee Saves the Castle

    - Corporate

    Hi, I'm Jaro. Jaro Mitterpach. I have been working for Scheidt & Bachmann Slovakia at the Parking Solutions division since 2006 as a member of the UI...

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