Beauty in Simplicity
Travel effortlessly. No more queuing to purchase tickets and complicated decisions. Our sophisticated ticket systems ensure that passengers get the right ticket at the right price in the minimum amount of time. We make travelling by public transport a pleasant experience. Faster, more efficient, more convenient, cheaper, easier, simply better travelling.
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Fire in Žilina: One year later
Created by Katarína Labudová | - Corporate
October 16, 2023 – a date that will forever be inscribed in the historical milestones of Scheidt & Bachmann. It was on this date that a fire broke out...
A job that you find fulfilling? Scheidt & Bachmann not only has exceptional experiences for you
- Corporate
Older than Coca-Cola and innovative in mobility solutions! Scheidt & Bachmann has been on the market for more than 150 years, helping people explore...