We have our heart in the right place

    Created by Katarína Labudová | - Corporate

    When help is needed, we join forces, roll up our sleeves and get to work. Thanks to dedicated employees with their hearts in the right place, Scheidt & Bachmann Slovensko has been part of the Our City volunteer project since 2015. This year, even in two cities!

    More beautiful Bratislava

    Our Bratislava branch was represented by 3 smart IT women. They swapped computer screens and keyboard clicks for paintbrushes and paint to beautify Račianska Street in Bratislava. Together with volunteers from other companies, they managed to spend 30 litres of paint, which they used to paint a 180-metre long railing!

    "I am glad that I was able to take part in this interesting event and do my bit to beautify the public space. At the same time, it was great to be able to swap my computer work for some time in the sunshine and to meet my colleagues in a different environment. I definitely recommend everyone to join us next year!"
    Monika Beňová Paulovičová, Backend SW Tester, Fare Collection Systems

    Harmónia came alive with colours

    Ten colleagues from Žilina painted as well. However, the interior. Harmónia Social Services Centre needed to paint two rooms for its clients. The main mission of the centre is to help people (homeless, orphans, unemployed, mentally ill or in crisis situations) to stabilise and integrate back into society. While the centre concentrated on helping people, our colleagues set to work to help the centre. And working with paintbrushes went as well for them as developing and testing the software. Not only did they paint both rooms within 5 hours, but they also managed to paint the skirting boards. They earned high praise from the management and clients of the centre for a job well done!

    "I think we left a nice memory for the clients of CSS Harmónia. We struggled with the inaccessible space, but in the end we were successful in beautifying the spaces that the clients use on a daily basis. We didn't even need any other help for the agreed activity and the girls from the other company were able to work on beautifying the outside fencing of the facility. The organizers and the people from Harmónia were very nice and we are already looking forward to seeing who we will be able to help again next year!"
    Martin Václavik, SW Tester, Energy Retail Solutions
