Fire in Žilina: Update #1

    - Corporate

    Four days after the fire in our IT centre, the investigation of the causes and the clean-up work are in full swing.

    Currently, the task force consist of Slovak and German employees is meeting daily to coordinate the next process of evacuation, clearing out and sorting of equipment and furniture.

    Already yesterday, development staff involved in time-critical projects were able to return to work thanks to the great teamwork of all colleagues on site. However, the damaged test equipment, mainly from the FCS division, is causing great concern. If repairs are possible, it will take at best a few weeks until we are fully operational again in all projects.

    Understandably, there is a lot of uncertainty among the staff on site; Dr. Norbert Miller (CEO) had the following to say about this: "The technology centre in Zilina will of course be rebuilt, just as beautiful as it was before. There will be additional work as a result of the accident, so no one needs to worry about their jobs. On the contrary, we need more employees now!"

    It is clear that large parts of the building will have to be gutted and then rebuilt. It will probably take longer than the reconstruction. But in the end it will be back.
